Tunnel Abandonment Case Study
Beaumont Hill Pipeline Project
Kinder Morgan, Owner and A.R. B. Inc., General Contractor
Installed 4,143 cubic yards
A.R.B, Inc. was faced with mounting problems to fill abandonment at the Beaumont Hill Pipeline Project located near a railroad. The project consisted of 51,400 feet of 20 inch pipe abandonment that had minimal access and no manholes.
This project was originally designed to use slurry mix that would require one hundred access points, bulkheads and manholes. Geofoam SNP™ was used in order to solve these problems because of its superior flowable and pumpable characteristics. With the use of Geofoam SNP LD, the contractor did not have to dig excessive access points or build bulkheads, which would cause a disruption to the railroad service and possible have an environmental impact.
By the use of specialized equipment and project specific mix designs, Geo-Cell Solutions has the ability to pump over 4000 feet in one direction using Geofoam Low Density Cellular Concrete.
 Certified with the State of California as an approved Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise