Contact Us

Geo-Cell Solutions, Inc.
2668 N. Fordham Avenue
Fresno, California, 93727

Midwest Division
2502 Spring Ridge Drive Warehouse A, Suite A
Spring Grove, IL 60081

Phone: 559.294.1274
Fax: 559-294-7575


C-5 License #0040885

California Contractor's
License # 938053

Mixing Process

Geo-Cell Solutions, Inc. has invested in environmentally-friendly manufacturing plants that produce a premium quality product.

Geofoam™ is the largest volume contributor in foam concrete. By using this mix equipment, there are far fewer deliveries of raw materials required to produce the foamed slurry. The impact of using Geofoam Cellular Concrete is a massive reduction in vehicle movement, both on and around the construction site, which dramatically reduces the carbon footprint in our operations. Mix designs are tailored to projects and/or budget requirements.

Dry Mix Mobile Production Unit
The Dry Mix Mobile Production Unit is self contained and can hold cement and fine aggregates, with the capability of blending on site. This process provides flexibility for small and large projects with continuous production of approximately 75+ yards per hour. The dry mix application allows rapid response to project-specific mix design changes on site as needed, volumetric control of density and compressive strength, and variable points of injection for the Geofoam at the auger or in line at the pump.

The Dry Mix Process
Dry mix process is the on-site mixing of cement and water, with or without fine aggregates to create blended slurry. Geofoam, which is pre-generated foam, is then added to the slurry in either the pumping process or mixing process. The cellular concrete produced will withstand mixing and pumping and permits precise control of the density and compressive strength.

Wet Mix Mobile Production Unit
The Wet Mix Mobile Production Unit has been uniquely designed as a cost effective application for projects of all sizes and hard to reach applications. With the use of ready mix transits, the wet mix production unit eliminates increased delivery costs of ready mix concrete by the use of full loads. The wet mix production unit is capable of producing about 60 yards an hour.

Wet Mix Process
The wet mix process involves batching and mixing the cement, with or without fine aggregates, in a batch plant similar to normal concrete. Wet mix process allows for off-site mixing delivered in Ready Mix Transit Trucks. Geofoam pre-generated foam is added into the ready mix truck while on site or added in line during the pumping process to maximize production per hour. The wet mix process is easy to deliver, easy to place, readily available, and versatile.

Advantages of Wet Mix Process

  • Less dust and environmental impact
  • Cost effective
  • Versatile
  • No washout worries

approved by FM and UL
Certified with the State of California as an approved Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise