Geofoam SP
Geofoam SP™ is a synthetic foaming agent for producing pervious cellular concrete. Geofoam SP helps developers, specifiers and project owners to economically meet the goals and demands of sustainable, effective land use.
Geofoam SP enables the production of pervious cellular concrete, a permeable, open-cell material that reduces hydraulic pressure and dead load, stabilizes soil, and filters contaminants from the soil.
Read the report "What-Can-Geofoam-SP-Do-For-You" (PDF)
Geofoam SP mix designs determine the strength and density of Geofoam SP pervious cellular lightweight concrete. Engineered cement slurry mixes can range from 50 to 200 psi, with wet cast densities from 20 to 30 pcf. Geofoam SP is very durable, allowing the use of bottom ash in the mix design, which supports sustainable development objectives and may increase the number of points awarded to a building in the LEED system. Sand or other aggregate can be used in Geofoam SP pervious cellular lightweight concrete mixes. However, lab mixes should be run to determine acceptable flowability.
Geofoam SP has been voted the MOST INNOVATIVE PRODUCT - CONCRETE MAKING MATERIALS CATEGORY at the 2008 World of Concrete.
Geofoam SP Applications
Use Geofoam SP for any geotechnical application requiring drainage capacities exceeding those obtainable from compacted soil or CLSM, including:
- Drainage structures
- Sports fields/golf courses
- Tunnel backfill
- Underground tanks
- Pipelines
- Soil stabilization
- Permeable road base
- Foundation drains
- Gabion retaining systems
- Annular backfill
- Load-reducing fills
- Engineered fill over underground structures
- Pipeline beds
- Fill for abandoned mines
- Bridge approaches fills
- Landslip repair fills.
Geofoam SP Material Characteristics
Strength - Geofoam SP pervious lightweight concrete provides increased compressive and sheer strength and a permeable separation between topsoil or pavement and native soils, allowing natural moisture to pass through the material and enter the subsoil below.
Durability - The durable cell structure of Geofoam SP-produced pervious cellular lightweight concrete is not affected by long pump runs, extended mixing, or most fly ashes, and has been successfully pumped up beyond 500 feet vertically and 5,000 feet horizontally. Installation rates of more than 100 cubic yards per hour are common.
Pumpability - Geofoam SP pervious cellular lightweight concrete is self-leveling and can be pumped into areas that are hard to access.
Compaction - Geofoam SP pervious cellular lightweight concrete requires no compaction.
Geofoam SP was voted Most Innovative Product by both attendees and experts at the 2008 World of Concrete! - read the full story here.
 Certified with the State of California as an approved Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise